Our beautiful world

by Andrada Costoiu

I stand alone,
Almost losing my words.
The sound of the ocean soothes my soul,
The sky, with colors that kept changing like the seasons of our lives,
Opened the door towards everywhere and nowhere.

Can steal this moment,
And seal it in my heart?
I guess….
Because what you see,
What you smell,
Never quite fades away.

I will stop,
I want to dig three graves in the sand,
And make them as deep as I can with my bare hands.

One is for the wars in our world,
I want to burry their blood, their tears,
And their haunting hypnotic rhythm
That makes people inflict pain, revenge and hate.

The second is for anger,
For anger blinds,
It’s black and bitter,
It ties you down somewhere in darkness,
Where only cruel whispers fill your mind.

The third is for ignorance.
The ice caps are melting,
The bees are dying,
And flowers don’t grow after the died!
If we don’t do something about it,
We’re all a family of thieves.

I tried to burry these, burry them deep!
Maybe the sand has swallowed them all…

Looking at the horizon,
I’m thinking about our story forward.
As young or old souls of this world
We all have wings to fly,
In our beautiful world.

This poem was inspired by this picture that I took few days ago while I was walking on the beach.


© Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2019 . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2019 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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