She was a ballerina

by Andrada Costoiu

Photo: Kondo Yukihiro, “Ballerina At Backstage” 

Nobody walked her path,
She carried her sorrows with grace.
Everybody starts somewhere different,
But she had many judges, all of them wrong.

She put away rejection slips,
Into a drawer full of pain.
“ I’m not like the others,” she cried,
Hoping that people will understand that passions
Choose whom to embody and then never leave.

Her eyes danced,
In this small moment in time she was becoming.
“Your hair looks lovely,
It must have taken many years to grow it so long,” said one
“It did,” she thought,
But it took much longer to be here
And step into the stage lights.

With strong legs and a heart full of love,
She took her limitations and her vulnerabilities
And bought them to the limelight.
The music started,
And she did what she was born to do: she danced,
She was a one-arm ballerina,
Imperfect in a perfect world,
And perfect in an imperfect world.

Note: this is a poem about the struggle of being accepted for what we are. Our society is not very kind as people are being judged against existent stereotypes that are hard to break. We forget that behind any skin color, any missing limbs….there is a soul with hopes and dreams. That soul did not chose how it would be embodied. Whatever you might be, fight for your dreams. Whatever they might tell you, keep going forward. You are worth it, everybody is.


© Andrada Costoiu and, 2020- . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and, 2019 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

14 thoughts on “She was a ballerina

  1. It is a wonderful poem Andrada. The finale stole my heart.

    She took her limitations and her vulnerabilities
    And bought them to the limelight.
    The music started,
    And she did what she was born to do: she danced,
    She was a one-arm ballerina,
    Imperfect in a perfect world,
    And perfect in an imperfect world.

    Sending you plenty of love and hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you 🌸. It’s true , people appoint themselves as judges or society does, but nobody should judge anybody …we’re all different and the only ones who know what we can or cannot do is ourselves. And ever if we lack the potential, we can still try , still learn and..maybe achieve what we desire🌸

    Liked by 1 person

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