Harvard and slavery

by Andrada Costoiu

Slavery is a problem that plagued our world since its first civilizations and continues to influence our societies today. Very much of the discussion on slavery focuses on the U.S., although it would not be right to just look at America. Slavery was initiated by the European merchants and slavery was practiced in Europe as well. It is just that Europe is a little more quiet about it….

A friend of mine has recently sent me some interesting information and I thought I should share it with you. If you’re not interested please pass this post and go to my poetry and to other things that I say:)

Harvard University has conducted research and has recently published the findings about its ties with slavery. Below is a video about the history of this university, its ties with slavery and the first phase of their project. I think it is wonderful that they take accountability. Everybody should take accountability about their past and about their actions and I am speaking here not only about nation states and big institutions but also about individuals. Take responsibility for your actions and behaviors at work, in life, in your relationships. Your willingness to be honest and vulnerable when you are wrong, would make you a better person and would help you grow.

Harvard pledges $100M to research, atone for role in slavery. Hurray :).

Let’s also not forget that slavery and racial injustice is a global issue. I recently started reading a book slavery, colonialism and race. The book is well written, it is interesting and I recommend it to you if if you’re interested in this issue. It’s written by a Georgetown scholar, Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò and it’s called Reconsiders Reparations.

Sending you all good vibes.
And if you’re not into this type of learning, go to my poetry:)))

We manage to escape it

by Andrada Costoiu

Image by Vony Razom for Visual Verse

Each month Visual Verse posts an image an invites writers to send their thoughts inspired by it. I wrote this poem inspired by the image for this month (the one above). My poem can be found on page 94 in the Visual Verse Anthology, Vol.9, Chapter 6.

Dust and mud cover cold fingers,
Forging symbols,
That create a civilization of which all of us are victims.

The waters turn red,
From the blood of those trying to escape the bondage of chains,
But how can they fight themselves free,
When the other side of the swim means drowning?

I am here to speak to the ones that still have a soul:
Be strong,
They cannot seal the horizon,
We will all be what we’re destined.

I no longer tremble; I no longer fear.
I am no one, and I am everyone.
Together we swell the numbers of those bearing the burdens,
And they no longer crush us.

Out of the spirit of love,
We burn incense to clear away the hate,
And manage to escape it.

What now it’s red will turn into spring.
There will be flowers,
A landscape ennobled by the ones who hoped,
By those who ceaselessly believed…. 

© Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020- . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My poetry book “Love poems: insights into the complicated mystery of love” is available on Amazon. You can get it here. Please write a review if you get around it. I would really appreciate it.


by Andrada Costoiu

Photo by Gelgas Airlangga on Pexels.com

Feeling freer,
Rebelling against the written stories and faces,
That furnish the media,
With gossip, lavish lifestyles and …. politics.

Public figures and public narratives,
Let me be!
I have the Job of hope.

Give me a Rilke, give me a JS Mill,
Give me a Sartre,
Give me somebody that isn’t dead and is thinking.

I want to entangle with warriors of thought,
Even if the recompense is to be stoned
By the ones who enjoy the status quo.

Progress means seeking future creation,
Understanding and dreaming,
Not looking up at their statues,
Listening to their stories,
THEM ruling over us.

Nothing is predestined,
This is your motive to escape and transcend where they put you.

You have the Job of hope,
Affirm yourself,
Against their cults of domination.
Lift up your pen,
Light up the lumber,
Swell your thoughts.

© Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020- . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My poetry book “Love poems: insights into the complicated mystery of love” is available on Amazon. You can get it here. Please write a review if you get around it. I would really appreciate it.

The possibility of nothing

by Andrada Costoiu

Gigantic, uncontrollable gesture,
Was when we were given a heart
To live,
To love.

Do we understand anything at all?

Collective thoughts of complex spiritual movements,
And enigmatic minds of scientific thought
What do you have yet about the history and the future of the man itself?

Standing exposed to the wind of time,
Decay of the flesh,
Stand as a description of Being.
Still, not discouraged, 
We’re outflanking the demon
Who whispers of death.

Smile and believe
Are the only ways to move forward,
For stuck with appearances 
We’re not.

Half foolishness, 
Half incomplete wisdom,
We dream and we may always exist,
Somehow, somewhere, if even in the minds of others,
For gigantic, uncontrollable gesture,
Was when we were given a heart
To live,
To love.

Note: Dedicated to A, my very good friend who lost her father this past week.

© Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020- . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My poetry book “Love poems: insights into the complicated mystery of love” is available on Amazon. You can get it here. Please write a review if you get around it. I would really appreciate it.


by Andrada Costoiu

He walked doubting,
Questioning rejection,
Like a lunatic crazed by his own heart.

What matters now,
That their last link was broken?

Exhausted he sits,
He rests.
Is he no longer believing?

In quietness he contemplates the procession of his own feelings.
Some were murdered by others,
Some still exist,
And new ones are born.
Between the seeds and the flowers,
His heart is not empty.

He is a man,
An adventurer,
More of a saint than a charlatan,
Who hopes to save their souls.

Broken hearts will mend with white flower,
A second innocence,
A second chance.

He picks it up and walks again,
To her….
For nothing is without hope when you believe.

© Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020- . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Andrada Costoiu and a-passion4life.com, 2020 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My poetry book “Love poems: insights into the complicated mystery of love” is available on Amazon. You can get it here. Please write a review if you get around it. I would really appreciate it.